Jerry B. Jenkins
1) I, Saul
A young seminary professor, Augustine Knox, is drawn into a deadly race to save priceless parchments from antiquities thieves and discovers a two- thousand-year old connection with another who faced...
Where do you go after you've fought with angels and helped defeat demons?
For Patch Johnson's friends, the unlikely answer is . . . back to school. Where it's harder than ever for Christian teens to fit in. Where Cheryl McCry and her World Peace Alliance are still on the prowl to catch Christians. Where it's dangerous to trust anyone—including each other.
Meanwhile, Patch is far from home, hiding out from McCry
...Reunite with all your favorite characters and see how they fare in this capstone final title of the Left Behind saga.
The horrors of the Tribulation are over, and Jesus Christ has set up his perfect kingdom on earth. Believers all around the world enjoy a newly perfected relationship with their Lord, and the earth itself is transformed. Yet...
6) Soul Harvest
Nicolae Carpathia continues his rise to power, forcing believers underground....
8) Left Behind
A repackage of the New York Times best-selling novel Left Behind.
Now a major motion picture starring Nicolas Cage!
On the day Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot, a remarkable little girl went to heaven. This is the story of a mother's quest for peace in the midst of unspeakable heartache. By the time the shooting ended on that cloudless January day in front of a Tucson grocery store, 19 innocent people lay wounded, dead, or dying. Among the gravely wounded was U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The youngest among the six who died was a little girl
...The year is A.D. 95, and John, the one whom Jesus called...