Follow the steps below to access and enjoy your next great read!
- Search for your next great read here in our catalog using the search bar above.
- Note: If our catalog does not display a digital title for CloudLibrary, we may not own the digital title. However, digital items owned by other libraries subscribing to CloudLibrary can be seen and made available to download or place a hold on by searching in the CloudLilbrary app directly.
- Select the title to secure your place in the holds queue OR
- If the item is available immediately, it will be downloaded to the appropriate app.
- If you place an item on hold, make sure you have notifications on in the app enabled so you will be notified when the item is ready to read.
- Open the appropriate app, click on the item/book, and start reading or listening to your selected book/item.
- You’ll have the book for the normal two week period after which it will disappear from your device.
- If you weren’t quite done, repeat the borrowing process to re-borrow the item and pick up where you left off.